
My beautiful daughter died from CF in March 2010 and I am riding in GearUp4CF this year in her memory.

Eva was a fighter and inspiration to all that knew her. In 2008 I rode in GearUp4CF to celebrate her successful recovery from a double lung transplant that allowed Eva to once again live her life to the fullest. Only months after the surgery, she joined the team in Invermere, painting our faces and cheering us on with her pom-poms in her self-appointed role as chief cheerleader.

This year I will be 65 years old on the ride. That is why I am calling this ride 65 for65Roses; partly because of my age, partly because 65 Roses is a malapropism of Cystic Fibrosis, partly because my daughter’s blog was called 65 RedRoses, and also because I hope to reach the very lofty goal of raising $65,000.

Training to ride for 1200 km over multiple mountain passes to Banff will be very difficult; raising these funds will be just as much of a challenge. Here is where I need your help. Please donate to my ride and help contribute to Eva’s legacy to raise critical funds for CF research and awareness.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Wow. My amazing wife Janet sent out some emails in the community and next thing you know we have TWO articles in the local community papers. Thank you so much to the Royal City Record and the New Westminster Newsleader for sharing my story. Eva's legacy lives on.

Riding for their rose: Janet Brine, left, and her husband Bill Markvoort are fundraising for the GearUp4CF ride from Vancouver to Banff in memory of their daughter Eva. This month is a significant one for the family. Eva’s birthday is March 31, and she passed away four years ago on March 27.   Photograph by: Larry Wright/THE RECORD 

1 comment:

  1. I've been sharing!!!! I don't anticipate raising as much in my Great Strides campaign as last year as I'm throwing in my fundraising chutzpah towards your goal Bill. Lets make this happen!!

